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THB walk: From Moeraske to flying high - 9km

  • eglise st vincent 2 Place Saint-Vincent Evere, Bruxelles, 1140 Belgique (carte)


9 Km


10 euros cash on the day

(includes 3 hours of guided walk in nature and two 25 min Qi gong workouts)

The journey:

Saturday 23/1/2021 a 11.00

The St Vincent Church in Evere: map

Return is with a De Lijn Bus ( not included so have some small cash with you)

The walk

A gentle walk of a few km, during which we stop to do small movement workouts along the official “green promenade of Brussels”
The ideal solution for a social (with distancing ) and "moving" Saturday morning.

Qi Gong

Qi gong combines stretching, strengthening, flow, mindfulness, breath, and energy into one simple practice.

Evere and zaventem

This walk starts from where we left off after The stuyvenbergh - Laeken walk and will take us through Evere to the NATO fields and then Zaventem airport Lookout.

where we can admire Take offs or landing ( weather)

To come back well have to take a Lijn Bus to schuman ( not included in the price)

16 janvier

THB walk: The Tervuren Royal Ponds - 6Km

30 janvier

THB excursion: The Zwin